Telescopes and Binoculars
You won't believe how many times in a day we get calls/ emails asking questions such as:
Which telescope/ binocular should I buy?
How do I choose between binoculars and telescope?
What kind of mount should I use
Are refractor telescopes better or reflectors?
Porro prism binoculars v/s Roof prism ones?
What is the best objective diameter for binoculars?
and the list goes on
The truth is, there are no black and white set of rules that can clearly call out which binocs or telescope are the best - otherwise, everyone would just use that one! Its all about what's most suitable for your use, fits into your budget, gives you the biggest bang for your buck, and may serve you for a reasonable period of time before requiring an upgrade. So we prepared this website to help you learn some of the essentials about these instruments and help you decide.